Before starting this post I want to thank those of you who are now following me regularly. In honor of your interest, I am starting this week to post two new pieces instead of one. This is the second piece for this week. Feel free to e-mail me back questions or comments.
What gets you excited? I bet that you have a hobby, a sport, a craft, a book, a movie, or a television show that you love. You spend a lot of time in activities related to it -- you speak enthusiastically about it to others, and your family either enjoys it too or is sick of you bringing it up all the time.
It doesn't matter what it is -- it could be anything from riding mountain bikes to hook latching rugs -- but chances are there are several other people who share your passion. You probably know many of them.
Why not make a program about it?
People respond to passion. Your audience will only get excited about your program if you care. Your passion will sustain you through the long development process, pitches, and rejection by various studios. The entertainment world is full of examples of shows people created because they have a passion for something that everyone wrote off. Until 'Antique Roadshow' became a hit who thought a show about stuff in people's attics would make sense? Now there are imitators on every home and lifestyle channel. No one thought shows about re-doing rooms would work until 'Trading Spaces.' I had the personal experience of running the Golf Channel's programming at launch. Many people thought it would never work, but we pursued our passion and became a worldwide success.
Of course, if you want a network or movie studio to buy your idea you still must put it in a professional package. You should have learned something about how to do that through this blog, and I'll be writing more about it in the future.
For now, start with your passion. Turn your passion into a property.
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