Some of my readers e-mailed that the thought of talking about them to executives they never met before terrifies them. That's very common. Many studies show that fear of speaking in public ranks just below the fear of death for people.
If you're in that category, I have a simple solution for you: Join Toastmasters International.
Toastmasters is a non-profit organization whose members meet regularly in local clubs to improve their public speaking skills. Toastmasters has over 250,000 members in more than 106 countries. The best way to find more information and a club near you is to go to their website:
I'm a member I joined a club in Orlando ten years ago because my boss told me my presentations to the sales staff were boring, and I had to do something to improve them -- fast. Six months after joining I received much better response to my presentations. I have acheived the highest Toastmaster designation - Distinguished Toastmaster, and I even won a Florida District speaking contest. You could do the same, if you joined. I stayed in the program all these years because I enjoy practicing my speaking skills. It's fun, it's affordable, and very helpful no matter what business you're in.
Contact a club near you. Most clubs will allow you to visit as a guest until you decide to join. Remember it's not enough to develop an idea, you need to be able to communicate it clearly to your collaborators and your studio in order to bring it to life.
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